I've let myself go. You may have noticed the complete lack of pictures of me on this little blog of ours. This is for a reason. It is perhaps the biggest perk to being master of the blog at our house. I don't even think my husband knows how to find our blog online. Well, as I said, I've definitely looked better. And felt better for that matter. I take the time to get clean and somewhat dry most of the time and then I just eat whatever it is that my boys are eating (y'know, the part of you that can't stand to let any of those fish crackers go to waste or make another smoothie that is not packed with calories your little ones need?) And then I am run ragged by the two little... uh, angels with more curiosity than I really need them to have (mischief comes so easily to them) so I just sit still and relax when I get a moment to myself. Then after bedtime, I treat myself to a snack or goodie or several goodies and sit some more while I stay up way too late. Then the next day starts and we do it all over again. So here it is. I am making a public declaration (well to all
three of my followers) that I plan to get myself back. I used to be so active and energetic and up for anything (and rather toned as a result). Now I'm too tired. I used to spend time making myself look cute stylish. Now it's the mom ponytail and pj's or a pair of jeans on "special" occasions. My poor husband, though he says I look better without make up (because he rocks like that), actually made a point of asking me last night, "Um, you know how much I love you right? But have you looked in the mirror today? Or at all lately?" I know! The sad part is that I just had to smile and nod because I knew exactly what he was talking about. I had actually avoided looking in the mirror yesterday because I knew I would have been too embarrassed and honestly a little guilty. I've just been so lazy. If I have to chose between sleep and a workout? I choose sleep. Sleep and a morning shower? I choose sleep (don't worry. the shower comes at nap time). Between watching a movie as a family or going for a walk? I choose the movie, with treats and popcorn, of course. Even between going upstairs to get some sewing or crafting done and watching TV (well, computer) on the couch? I think you know which one I choose most often. I know being a mom is all about saving time and putting your kids and family first, but I think I may have taken it a little too far. An extra 20 minutes in the morning to dry and maybe curl my hair won't kill me. And though the pj wardrobe does cut down on laundry costs, and most of my clothes don't really fit anymore, I should at least
attempt to get dressed each day. Earlier this year as the snow just kept piling up and I was bemoaning being cooped up inside with sick kids who played in the snow a little too much I made a promise to myself that I would go outside as soon as it was nice enough or even sort of nice enough to. That was a bit of an easy out though because the weather really isn't nice until after Easter here. Sometimes Memorial Day. But I am proud to say that on all of the days that the mercury has crept above 40 degrees, the boys and I have been outside in it. There was actually a day exactly a week ago that was so glorious that we were outside almost all day and I got a sunburn. It was so exciting! I have also made a promise not to complain about how hot it is this summer like I did last year. I actually stayed inside sometimes hiding from the sun! How crazy that seems now! If I get too hot I will just drink some more liquid, roll up my sleeves and pant legs or find some water to play in. All while being sun safe, of course. And I am going to work out however and whenever I can. I have the Zumba DVDs but use them only twice a month! I'm always too tired. So, I'm going to bed and getting up earlier. I am going to feel healthy again if it kills me. :-p
So now that I have made it known I will hopefully have a better time sticking to it. You can all hold me accountable, but don't expect any before and after photos peeps. Well, maybe an after. Yes I am apparently that shallow. I have been thinking about posting a photo daily of what I am wearing. I think this might keep me honest about all this so those can be the "before" pics. Well, there is a little one whining for me. See you later, folks!