
Friday, April 30, 2010

Serenity Now!

C'mon, Dad. Another gate?
"The Brain" is at it again.

The boys are sleeping, but for who knows how long? Quick, hurry and update the blog while you have a chance. There will be no mercy once they're awake! Lately the boys have been unbelievably needy lately. All they want is mommy all the time. I know this sounds like all I ever wanted according to the last few posts, but let me tell you, now that they are downright HUGE and love to push one another....not great. My lap just isn't big enough for the both of them and they have quite the showdown for it almost hourly. Their stranger danger has also peaked recently. Poor Tucker screams bloody murder and almost makes himself sick whenever someone comes to visit. I don't even leave! He just knows that if he takes his eyes off of me for a second that I will...he's sure of it. Grr. He has also had some tummy troubles lately and they are both teething so there is a lot of whining, crying, screaming, biting, fighting, competing, and pouting in this house. Sometimes even from me. :-p Well, not the screaming and biting, but you know what I mean. (though they do now know that if they bite mommy, she will bite them back)
The boys hear the word "no" a lot lately since their curiosity is just so un-containable. I try really hard to find things they can do that are okay and actually interesting to them, but they are bored with safe. They prefer to balance precariously just this side of stitches, electric shock, and body casts. If I thought I needed four arms before, boys was I mistaken. I need eight! I am on the verge of complete meltdown at the end of every day. Serenity now, serenity now, serenity now!!!!!!!!!!!!

On the bright side, family is coming to visit and I will have eight arms, and then some. Just in the nick of time. Whew!


Sarah McK said...

LOVING the Seinfeld reference! Didn't know you were a fan! And I SOOOOO hear you. Lots of pouting and tantrums here as well. From two members of the family. I wonder how Logan puts up with it so well.... :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know how you do it with twins?! I can barely do it with two boys 2 years apart! But if anyone can do can Momma Hammer! (Remember how you took care of all of us sista's in Nauvoo...yeah, we pretty much couldn't have done it without ya!)Serenity now! Love it!

Tessa said...

Tia, I just found your blog from a link on someone else's blog. I love all the pictures of your cute boys. If you are interested, my blog is private so you would have to send me an email so that I can send you an invite.