
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Out of Shape!

Okay, okay, before any sarcastic comments or verbal eye rolling occur: I'm not speaking about my physical shape. Although pear-shaped is not the shape I would ideally like for my body, I also haven't been terribly motivated to put in the abdominal workouts to change that. I am reaping what I sew in that department (she says as she bites into her third fudge striped cookie since beginning this post...).
I am unbelievably out of shape vocally. My diaphragm is weak and tired, my vocal chords are puny and dry (in some part thanks to whatever is in full bloom here in Idaho...cotton?), and someone could drive a semi-truck through the spacing in my vibrato. I could not believe that I got winded after singing to the radio in the car the other day! It just goes to show that you have to use it or lose it. Now now, I haven't lost it entirely. But it used to be so much easier. **sigh**
The reason that any of this has been brought to my attention is because of me and my stupid mouth. When my husband and the rest of the Relay for Life committee were in need of someone to sing the national anthem at this year's event, I cheerfully said "sure" upon being asked. It sounded like fun to perform again and I wanted to help any way that I could. Why oh why didn't I just bake something to be sold at the event or used in a cake walk?! And the national anthem?! Such a hard song!!! It may not sound hard, but man oh man, it takes some vocal gymnastics that this body hasn't done in a LONG time.
Now it's back to basics. I'm putting myself into a self imposed vocal boot camp. The boys have already noticed some strange behavior out of mommy lately. Lots of water, lemon and honey, and all these weird sounds she makes with her hands (well, hand....I injured the left one) on her ribs. Yawns, funny laughs, hissing like a snake, occasionally a siren or two to identify problem areas.... I'm sure the boys think this is all for their entertainment. They giggle like crazy at some of my vocal warm ups and exercises and usually try to "help" while I'm on my back with a large book going up and down on my stomach. They love that one. I'm not loving their attempts to lift my shirt and see what's going on under there, but I have to admit it is probably a little curious from their point of view. This is going to take some discipline, and hard work. Relay is in a week and a half!!!!! I feel like a marathon runner who took three years off and is now attempting a five mile race.....into a strong opposing wind. YIKES! I can do this, I can do this, I can do this. (It does strike me as odd that I am better at working out my voice on a regular schedule than my physique. Where are my priorities??) Here goes nothin'.


Christine said...

You totally CAN do this!! I wish I could be there. I've never heard you sing (you were in 2nd grade when I last saw you face to face) but I hear you are spectacular!

Sarah McK said...

I TOTALLY HEAR YA! I am so so soooo out of practice. Watching Glee just makes me depressed. As for your voice versus your figure, you'll get to keep your voice for a lot longer. :)

Kaeli & Kyle said...

Oh I want to go to the relay just to hear you!!! GO TIA!! You can do it!