
Friday, February 6, 2009


There have been several requests for some belly pics so I have rounded up a few. These first couple are from 19 weeks (I'm now at 24 weeks) and I was trying to see my toes without leaning over. It was harder than I tought it would be. The rest of the photos are from the 22 week mark. I have yet to take any pictures of me at 24. I'm rarely in the mood for a photo shoot. I barely have the energy to get ready in the mornings. :-p
So here they are: The growing belly.

There's two little people growing in there. And boy are they taking up a lot of space! It doesn't look like much, but I have gained 25 pounds since conceiving! And there is still another 13 weeks to go!

This one ended up a little blurry, but it does illustrate how much mid-section there truly is.

Mommy next to one of the cribs. I was sick with a chest cold and getting tired of pictures at this point. The smile is just a little strained. I do think I will end up taking the last month of this VERY easy. I get winded just standing up now and it's only going to get harder from here. It will all be very much worth it in the end when I get to hold these two little angels in my arms and look at their sweet faces for the first time. They'll be here sooner than we think. The last six months went pretty fast and although I hear that the end is probably the most uncomfortable of all, it will be over before I know it.

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